The birth and death of the sun
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دانلود کتاب پیدایش و مرگ خورشید pdf
ولادة الشمس وموتها
De geboorte en dood van de zon
La naissance et la mort du soleil
Die Geburt und der Tod der Sonne
La nascita e la morte del sole
پیدایش و مرگ خورشید
El nacimiento y la muerte del sol.
book introduction
The birth and death of the sun
This book is written by the famous author of scientific books on astronomy
It is Mr. George Gamov, translated into Persian by Ahmed Aram.
The author tried to address the following questions and issues and analyze them
❇️ How did the sun come into existence and where does its eternal light and warmth come from?
What will be the final fate of the sun?
❇️ Isn't it because happiness, development and human life all depend on that energy that shines from the sun!?
✴️ The author tries to make available to the readers of this book, in the simplest terms, a summary of basic discoveries and theories that will be a good guide for finding a general opinion about the origin and evolution of our world.
📙Library collection of lies and superstitions
category : Science
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